The Pilates Method

“Contrology is designed to give you suppleness, natural grace, and skill that will be unmistakably reflected in the way you walk, in the way you play, and in the way you work.” ~Joseph Pilates

The Pilates Method of Body Conditioning was developed by German born Joseph Pilates (1880-1967). Joseph was a sickly child suffering from rickets, asthma and rheumatic fever. He sought to regain his health through exercise and nutrition studying various forms of Eastern and Western health modalities. Joseph devised a unique and effective system of movement and exercise geared towards improving strength, flexibility, and muscular control culminating in what he termed, “Contrology”, or as we know it today, as The Pilates Method. He brought the Method to New York City and opened his first studio in 1926. There he worked with dancers, gymnasts and yes… the average person interested in improving their posture, balance and coordination while improving their overall health. The Method aims to uniformly develop the body, and correct poor breathing and movement patterns by:

Working your body this way helps prevent future injury and in some cases can alleviate chronic pain altogether. Whether rehabbing an injury or chronic condition or incorporating the Pilates system for athletic training - all who practice the Method have noticed drastic changes in their lives and performances. Pilates offers the potential of a challenging, dynamic full-body workout that is second to none. Years of use, misuse and abuse lead to discomfort, pain and premature aging. Pilates can undo this misuse. At Pilates Revival, we believe that everyone and every‘body’ can benefit from Pilates, and live a more full, robust, happy life!

The Pilates principles which shape the way that we practice every exercise in the method:

  • Control
  • Breathing
  • Centering
  • Concentration
  • Precision
  • Flowing Movement

Going through the movements is not enough. HOW you do the exercises is more important than what exercises you do. The experienced and comprehensively trained Classical Pilates instructors at Pilates Revival will help guide you to learn the technique properly.